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- Meet Us at CPhI Tokyo
start exploring your China supply chain—achieving stable mass production and saving over 30% in costs! Chemlyte Solutions – Your Trusted Partner in China’s Chemical Supply Chain Chemlyte Solutions is a professional chemical distri...
Chemlyte Solutions
- Notification of New Registration for MORITA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD.
Key to new compounds, fluorine has boundless potential. Since launching the first commercial production of hydrofluoric acid in Japan, Morita Chemical Industries has contributed widely to modern industry. Always looking beyond the curren...
- The contents of our website have been updated.
Tosoh Finechem Corpration has updated the contents by inserting images, etc.
Tosoh Finechem Corporation
- Notification of Address Change
April 2024 Notification of Address Change Dear Valued Customers Please note our business address and TEL/ Fax number changes as follows from 15th April 2024. New Address: Suitengu Hokushin Building 9F-B 1-39-5, Nihonbashi-...
Nordmann Japan Ltd.
- Notification of New Registration for KONISHIYASU CO.,LTD.
Our company was founded in Japan in 1828 (Bunsei 11) by Konishi Yasubei, a descendant of Konishi Yukinaga, a warlord of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, as a pharmaceutical and dye wholesaler "Konishi Yasubei Shoten". Since then, as a trad...
Konishiyasu Co., Ltd.
- Notification of New Registration for Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd (PCCPL)
Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Ltd (PCCPL) has been a contract manufacturer of agrochemicals, intermediates, functional chemicals, and industrial chemicals since 1975. PCCPL manufactures chemicals, especially for the niche products ...
Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd.
- We moved our office.
The new address is 2ed Floor, WAKITA Fujimura Midousuji Building, 4-2-14 Fushimi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0044. There is no change in telephone or fax numbers.
Chukanbutsu Limited
- We moved our office.
The new address is 4-2-14 Fushimimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0044. There is no change in telephone or fax numbers.
- Notification of New Registration for SHIKOKU CHEMICALS CORPORATION.
SHIKOKU KASEI GROUP has its origins in a business started by two young engineers based on the invention of an innovative manufacturing method for carbon disulfide, the raw material for the chemical fiber, rayon. It was 1947, shortly afte...