Top Directory
- Oxidation
- Reduction
- Halogenation
- Reaction, Organometallic
- Reaction by using harmful, toxic and malodorous marerial
- Reaction under special circumstances
- Nitration, Diazotization, Sulfonation
- Polymerization
- Coupling reaction
- Flow synthesis
- Bio and development of new drugs
- Other organic reaction
- Compound synthesis
- Inorganic reaction
- Others
- By using microbeantibiotics
- Separation, Purification, Fractionation, Drying
- Mixture, Dispersion, Melt, Toning, Filling
- Environments and recycling, Processing, CVD, and others
- Assaying
- First, select a category name from the "Top Directory" on the left.
- Select from list of sub-categories displayed below (you can select multiple directories).
- Click the Search button to view the results.
- The search results can be narrowed down by "reactor", "distillation tower", "standard" and "scale".
- Oxidation, Heavy metal compound (29)
- Oxidation, Peroxide (50)
- Ammoxidation (9)
- Oxidization, Air (27)
- Oxidization, Halogenide (36)
- Dehydrogenation (24)
- Oxidation, Swern (19)
- Oxidation, Ozone (9)
- Oxidation, Nitric acid (34)
- Electrolytic oxidation (4)
- Oxidation, Jones (15)
- Oppenauer oxidation (14)
- Baeyer-Villiger oxidation (14)
- Oxidation,Alkali Fusion (0)
- Hyroxylation, Microorganism enzyme (3)
- Others,Oxidation (10)
- Hydrogenation (32)
- Reduction, Metalic hydride (50)
- Reduction, Catalytic (38)
- Hydrogeneration (46)
- Reduction, High-pressure (18)
- Reduction, High/Middle-pressure (37)
- Reduction, Electrolytic (2)
- Re, Electroless (5)
- Reduction, Birch (17)
- Wolff-Kishner-reduction (17)
- Reduction, Na/Li (26)
- Bromination (50)
- Chlorination (47)
- Fluorination (28)
- Iodination (34)
- Halogenate, Diverse halogenating agents (22)
- Halogenate, Thionyl chloride, Sulfuryl chloride etc (30)
- Halogenate, NCS, NBS, NCI etc (27)
- Others, Halogenation (17)
- Metallic sodium, Metallic potassium (18)
- Organic lithium (37)
- Grignard reaction (53)
- Reaction, NaNH2 (21)
- Reaction, NaH (33)
- Organic sodium (24)
- Other organometal (24)
- Hydrogen cyanide, Sodium cyanide, Potassium cyanide (17)
- Cyanogen chloride (5)
- Hydrogen sulfate (13)
- Carbon disulfide (17)
- Mercaptan (15)
- Phosgenation (13)
- Thiophosgene (9)
- Ethylene oxide (14)
- Reaction with bad smell substances (27)
- Reaction, Toxic substances (25)
- High temperature reaction (over 200 C degree) (47)
- Low temperature reaction (over -20 C degree) (37)
- High-pressure reaction (23)
- Reaction, Low boiling point-solvent (30)
- Reaction, Special medium(liquid ammonia etc) (3)
- Reduction, Nitro compound (28)
- Nitration (46)
- Diazotization (46)
- Diazo-coupling reaction (19)
- Sandmeyer reaction (21)
- Sulfonation (56)
- Chlorosulfonation (20)
- Sulfonamidation (18)
- Nitrosation (16)
- Radical polymerization (22)
- Anionic polymerization (9)
- Cationic polymerization (10)
- Living polymerization (13)
- Polycondensation (26)
- Emulsion polymerization (17)
- Suspension polymerization (15)
- Solution polymerization (20)
- Solid Phase polymerization (3)
- Depolymerization (5)
- Others (1)
- Antibody
- Manufacture of custom reagent
- Carrier mapping
- Lab animal
- Bacteria and cell
- Genetic engineering technique
- Gene Test
- Gene analysis
- Protein sugar analysis
- Pharmacology and drug discovery
- Others
- Azidation (14)
- Acylation (50)
- Acetalization (30)
- Acetylenic chemistry (18)
- Amidation (3)
- Amidination (15)
- Amination (53)
- Allylation (21)
- Alkylation (56)
- Aldol reaction (26)
- Imidazolination (1)
- Wittig reaction (42)
- Etherfication (49)
- Esterification (73)
- Epoxidation (35)
- Oximation (22)
- Carbonylation (44)
- Cannizarro reaction (17)
- Guanidination (12)
- Knoevenagel condensation (14)
- Guerbet reaction (0)
- Kolbe-Schmitt reaction (17)
- Silylation (22)
- Schiemann reaction (12)
- Strecker reaction (12)
- Diels-Alder (40)
- Tishchenko reaction (15)
- Cyanation (48)
- Perkin reaction (12)
- Hydroxyethylation (18)
- Hydroxymethylation (21)
- Hydroxylation (47)
- Vilsmeier reaction (41)
- Fries rearrangement (18)
- Friedel-Crafts reaction (62)
- Hoesch reaction (12)
- Hofmann's Reaction (32)
- Formylation (46)
- Michael addition (25)
- Mannich reaction (19)
- Methylolation (17)
- Racemization (31)
- Phosphorylation (2)
- Leuckart reaction (14)
- Cyclization (45)
- Ring-Opening reaction (42)
- Dealkylation (39)
- Dehalogenation (48)
- Dehydration (56)
- Rearrangement (41)
- Electrolytic fluorination (3)
- Acid amide (48)
- Dehydrogenation (27)
- Decarbonation (23)
- isomerization (4)
- Sulfation (0)
- Neutralization (1)
- Quaternarization of Amine, Benzyl oxide (31)
- Microorganism, Fermentation/Enzymatic (7)
- Synthsis of optically active compounds
- Oganic sulfur compound (31)
- Organosilicon compound (16)
- Acid chlorides (56)
- Fluorine compound (24)
- Phosphoric compound (32)
- Peptide synthesis (6)
- Chiral compound (16)
- Small scale production (61)
- Photochemical reaction (13)
- High-pressure hydrolysis (10)
- High potency active (HPA) manufacturing (8)
- Production of small molecule cytotoxics (4)
- Production of pharmaceuticals/cosmetics (21)
- Active ingredient for pharmaceutical・cosmetic ingredients (6)
- Distillation
- Special separation
- Preparative crude refining (12)
- Chromatography (21)
- Column purification (33)
- Electrophoresis migration (1)
- Bioscience (2)
- Sublimation (12)
- Extraction (53)
- Crystallization (62)
- Optical resolution (22)
- Absorption/Ion exchange (21)
- Membrance separation (7)
- Recrystallization (64)
- Filtration (65)
- Metal contents reduction (32)
- Drying
- Chemical vapor deposition
- Crushing, Classification
- Pharmaceutical technology
- Blending, Subdividing, Packaging
- Environments and recycling
- Synthesis of standard compound
- Rentals, Sales
- Others
- Others (5)
- Surface analysis
- Elemental analysis
- Organic elemental analyzer (4)
- Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (16)
- Inductively coupled plasma-plasma mass spectrometrv(ICP-MS) (13)
- Atomic absrptiometric analysis/Flameless atomic absorption spectromety(AAA/FL-AAS) (10)
- X-ray fluorescence analysis(XRF) (6)
- Electron probe micro analyzer(EPMA) (0)
- Glow-discharge mass spectrometry(GDMS) (0)
- Gas chromatography-atomic emission detection(GC-AED) (0)
- Morphology observation
- Compound analysis
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry(NMR) (22)
- Electron spin resonance analysis(ESR) (0)
- Gravimetric analysis(GA) (3)
- Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometer(UV-VIS) (29)
- Infrared spectroscopy(IR) (28)
- Raman spectroscopic analysis(RAMAN) (0)
- X-ray diffraction(XRD) (7)
- Single crystal structural analysis (0)
- Heat analysis/thermophysical properties
- Chromatographic analysis
- Liquid chromatography analysis(LC) (39)
- Gas chromatography analysis (39)
- Head Space Gas Chromatography(HS/GC) (18)
- Liquid chromatography analysis-mass spectrometry(LC-MS) (19)
- Gas chromatography analysis-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) (22)
- Capillary electrophoresis(CE) (0)
- Pyrolysis gas chromatography(PGC) (1)
- Ion chromatography(IC) (20)
- Gel permation chromatography(GPC) (11)
- Thin layer chromatograph(TLC) (25)
- Gel filtration chromatography(GFC) (4)
- Ultratrace analysis
- General property analysis
- Others (3)