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custom manufacturer search


Paid-in Capital

2155 million yen

Number of Employees


Annual Sales Revenue

9743 million yen

Main Products



Small scale production / Blending, Subdividing, Filling / No-pressure distillation / Drying, (No-pressure/Vacuum) / Ullman reaction / Optical microscope / Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) / Liquid chromatography analysis(LC) / Color difference / Reduction, Nitro compound / Oxidation, Peroxide / Vacuum distillation / Reduction, Metalic hydride / Low temperature reaction (over -20 C degree) / Nitration / Acylation / Organic lithium / Chiral synthesis / Gas chromatography analysis / Karl Fischer moisture analysis / Specific gravity / Column purification / Emulsification / Diazotization / Grignard reaction / Inductively coupled plasma-plasma mass spectrometrv(ICP-MS) / Bulk specific gravity / Head Space Gas Chromatography(HS/GC) / Reaction, Low boiling point-solvent / Hydrogeneration / Acid chlorides / Atomic absrptiometric analysis/Flameless atomic absorption spectromety(AAA/FL-AAS) / Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometer(UV-VIS) / Liquid chromatography analysis-mass spectrometry(LC-MS) / Diazo-coupling reaction / Steam distillation / Packaging / Reaction, NaH / Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling / Infrared spectroscopy(IR) / Gas chromatography analysis-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) / Viscosity / Halogenate, Diverse halogenating agents / Mercaptan / Reduction, High/Middle-pressure / Sulfonation / Sublimation / Particle size distribution / Halogenate, Thionyl chloride, Sulfuryl chloride etc / Amination / Other organometal / Halogenate, NCS, NBS, NCI etc / Chlorosulfonation / Crystallization / Alkylation / Coupling reaction / Wolff-Kishner-reduction / Aldol reaction / Thin layer chromatograph(TLC) / Fusing point / Coagyulation point / Recrystallization / Wittig reaction / Potentiometric titration / Filtration / Etherfication / Metal contents reduction / Esterification / Kolbe-Schmitt reaction / Diels-Alder / Hydroxyethylation / Hydroxymethylation / Fries rearrangement / Friedel-Crafts reaction / Mannich reaction / Cyclization / Dealkylation / Dehydration / Acid amide /

Application or Material

Manufacture's Feature

Based on the technology we have acquired over the years of manufacturing ultraviolet stabilizers, we meet our customers various requests promptly.

And our custom manufacturing business, based on our production technology for ultraviolet stabilizers as well as polymer additives, are for the customers in wide range of industries such as photographic chemicals and several kinds of organic electronic materials.

Specialized Areas

*Pharmaceutical intermediates, intermediate for Agrochemicals, raw materials and intermediates for electronic materials, functional material, photographic chemicals and other organic chemicals.

Specialized Technologies

*We make full use of not only the basic technology such as Diazo-coupling, Friedel-Crafts, Kolbe-Schmitt, reduction, high-pressure reduction and esterification, but also other kind of chemical reaction technologies.

Specialized Manufacturing Equipment

*Glass lining reactors, SUS reactors and Hydrogen reduction reactors equal or more than 0.5 cubic meters and less than 20 cubic meters (please refer to rectors/ facility section).

* Distillation facility
a. 3.5 cubic meters SUS 5 plates 200 C degree Wall Wetter
    b. 10 cubic meters SUS 3 plates 130 C degree
    c. Thin-film evaporation SUS 3.1 square meters 150 C

* Dryers
    a. Nauter dryer 3 to 10 cubic meters SUS 130 C degree
    b. Conical dryers 500L SUS 10mmHg
    c. Fluid bed dryers
* Centrifugal separators
    SUS, rubber lining, Teflon and others
* Extraction facility
     Glass, 12 plates, countercurrent extraction

Qualification for Quality Control

*We have an integrated system of production from R&D to commercial stage with strict process management and quality control
*ISO9001 (Since 1994),ISO14001 (Since 1999)

Plant Location of Custom Manufacturing

Akashi Plant:
22-31, Minamifutami, Futami-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo 674-0093
Tel: +81-78-942-2111
Fax: +81-78-942-8485
Himeji Plant:
1611, Hamada, Aboshi-ku, Himeji-shi, Hyogo 671-1242
Tel: +81-79-273-5152
Fax: +81-79-274-2287
Aioi Plant:
5377-5, Aza-komaru, Aioi, Aioi-shi, Hyogo 678-0041
Tel: +81-791-23-3869
Fax: +81-791-22-1953

Company Information

  • 650-0038 KDC Kobe Bldg 14F,83, Kyomachi, Chuo-ku Kobe,650-0034 Japan
  • Tel.+81-78-393-2530 Fax.+81-78-353-2517
  • website